You can use this same procedure to access shared journal or notes folders. 可以使用同样的步骤访问共享的“日记”或“便笺”文件夹。
SkyDrive works on a folder-based system, emphasizing the ability to organize your files in personal, shared, and public folders. SkyDrive提供基于文件夹的共享服务,用户可以按照“个人”、“共享”、“公共”等文件夹管理文件。
Manage and troubleshoot access to shared folders. 共享文件访问的管理及故障排除。
Which shared folders do you want to give this user access to? 您想让该用户有权访问哪些共享文件夹?
Delete offline files for the following checked shared folders 删除下列选定共享文件夹的脱机文件
Direct Cable Connection was unable to display the shared folders of the host computer. To see the shared folders, type in the name of the host computer. 直接电缆连接无法显示主机上的共享文件夹。要查看共享文件夹,请键入主机名。
Either the specified computer could not be found, or you do not have permission to add shared folders to the computer. 指定的计算机找不到,或者您没有权限在此计算机上添加共享文件夹。
Control user access to shared folders 控制用户对共享文件夹的访问权限
Refresh the list of shared folders. 刷新共享文件夹的列表。
Create, organize, and control access to company-wide shared folders. 创建、组织并控制对公司范围共享文件夹的访问。
Use a desktop shortcut for quick access to the shared files and folders on every computer on your network. 使用桌面快捷方式快速访问网络中每台计算机共享的文件和文件夹。
"Files may be excluded from caching on auto-cache shared folders based" “文件可以从自动缓存共享文件夹中排除。”
If IMAP server doesn't support NAMESPACE extension, but you're using shared folders or personal root folder is non-empty, you'll need to set these options. 如果IMAP服务器不支持命名空间扩展,但你使用共享文件夹或个人的根文件夹是非空,你需要设置这些选项。
"When enabled, files from auto-cache shared folders are cached on" “如果启用,自动缓存共享文件夹的文件会被缓冲保存”
This wizard helps you create and use shared folders on web sites inside or outside your organization. 该向导将帮助您创建并使用位于内部或外部网站上的共享文件夹。
Displays shared folders, current sessions, and open files. 显示共享文件夹、目前会话及打开文件。
Map drives to the shared folders we set up earlier. 映射前面所设置的共享文件夹的驱动器。
Manage shared folders, volumes, open sessions, and disks. 管理共享的文件夹,卷,打开会话以及磁盘。
When password protected sharing is enabled, people using other computers on your network can't access your shared folders or printers unless they have a user account on your computer. 启用密码保护的共享时,使用网络中的其他计算机的人员无法访问共享文件夹或打印机,除非他们在您的计算机上具备一个用户帐户。
Provides information about shared folders and how to use them. 提供关于共享文件夹以及如何使用它们的信息。
If you extracted shared information such as bulletin boards, forums, or shared folders, it will be migrated to public folders. 如果提取了公告栏、论坛或共享文件夹等共享信息,则会将这些信息迁移到公用文件夹中。
The wizard was unable to list the shared folders on the server computer. 向导无法列出服务器计算机上的共享文件夹。
The server can take a snapshot of all the files in the shared folders. 服务器可以生成共享文件夹中所有文件的快照。
The wizard successfully unshared all of the shared folders. 向导已成功停止对所有共享文件夹的共享。
For best performance, avoid monitoring shared folders on a network, root folders, or a large number of folders. 为了获得最佳性能,请避免监视网络中的共享文件夹、根文件夹或大量文件夹。
Creates and manages distributed file systems that connect shared folders from different computers. 创建和管理分布式文件系统以便连接来自不同计算机的共享文件夹。
Control access to shared folders by using permissions. 通过授权控制访问共享文件夹。
However, if simple file sharing is enabled, you cannot prevent specific users and groups from accessing your shared folders. 但是,如果启用了简单文件共享,则无法阻止特定用户和组访问您的共享文件夹。
You can use the run command on the start menu to open shared folders on another computer. 可以使用“开始”菜单上的“运行”命令打开另一台计算机上的共享文件夹。
But because of money and other reasons, many companies are not using the Knowledge-Base System software, but use of remote shared folders to hold project information, or use a website to show the classification of the information Instead. 但因为金钱等原因,有很多企业使用的并不是系统的知识库软件,而是使用远程共享目录来存放相关的项目资料,或者是使用一个网站对资料进行分类的展示等等。